Sep 12, 2013

Help Improve Tenant Rights in Woodstock Illinois... Come to City Hall Tues 17th September at 6:30pm CST

DisAdvantage Plus (run by "distruntled tenants") is dedicated to ensuring the implementation of city ordinances in the city of Woodstock, Illinois - designed specifically to protect the rights of tenants renting within the city, as well as ensuring that landlords adhere to minimal standards and are held to account for unfair practices.

As a starting point in achieving this, we are asking YOU, to come and join us at 6:30pm CST on Tuesday 17th September on the grass outside City Hall (corner of Calhoun Street and Throop Street) in Woodstock, so that we can gather together before the City Hall meeting to be held at 7pm CST.

Although many of us have had problems with Advantage Plus Inc., it is not our intention to target any particular landlord, however, instead to highlight issues and ensure that some protection is put in place to protect the rights of tenants, and advocate for better rules to govern landlords in Woodstock Illinois.

(Corner of Calhoun Street & Throop Street)
Woodstock IL
Tuesday 17th September

Tell your friends, tell your neighbors, tell your colleagues, post links to this on Facebook, Twitter etc.  Text your friends and tell them to join you there.  We look forward to working together to get these rights put in place!!

Feel free to email us at

Remember, encourage your friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors, to ALWAYS google for feedback on landlords before signing a lease or putting down any deposit money.  Always feel free to ask your potential landlord for tenant references.  Ask around, protect yourself, protect your family.


  1. Thanks for creating this blog! After our experience with Mary Brown/Advantage Plus I will never again sign a lease without doing some major searching online for reviews from other past tenants.

    If you don't do the research, you're stuck! That's what happened to us. Days after signing the lease I was moving stuff into my new home when a woman screeched to a stop in her car, hung a u-turn and rolled down her window to ask if I was moving in. Stunned, I shook my head, Yes. She warned me, "Don't!"

    But by then it was too late. The lease had been signed and we were stuck there.

  2. Hi Geoff

    Would you like to join us at City Hall in Woodstock tomorrow evening (per the above posting?). We would love your support... if you can ping me your email address I can add it to the list of people who are interested in being there!

    All the best
    Disgruntled Tenants (I am 'incognito'!!)

  3. I just missed this! I live across the street from City Hall too! I'll follow this and you'll be seeing me around.

  4. Hello "Irrational" (I suspect you're probably not!). Please feel free to join us next Tuesday 24th.... if you would like to join our email list, please email us at with your request, and then any emails about events, activities, and hopefully 'progress' will be shared with you. All the best - Peace out!

  5. We'll see you tonight. I THINK I know where it is.

  6. Hello Irrational. We are meeting at Mix N Mingle this evening on the Woodstock Square at 7pm. The address is 124 Cass Street. Hope to see you there! (Please also complete our anonymous online survey - in most recent posting above)... All the best - Disgruntled Tenants.
